Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The Bible in Haiku

biblical theories
explanations and morals
fictional guidance

Monday, October 19, 2009

Lake Bodom

perched on the dark waters edge
my pale reflection
rippling in Lake Bodom

it's eerie past
a reflection of my own
I see my lost teenage soul

I feel a strange connection
to the horrors of this lake
the trauma that I cannot shake

since my life was altered
I've drowned in regret
my once radiant soul now seeks death

I tell my reflection to please pull me in
Pull me to Bodom's pit, Pull me in
I belong in this ravaged lake of sin

Carina Fosse

Friday, October 16, 2009


My world is blurry and surreal
but I'm way to lost to care
Dazed in this hazy fog
bloodshot vision is unclear

Choking through this smog
I try to remain cautious
Searching for fresh air
I'm sickened and I'm nauseous

Why should I even care?
to breathe fresh air once more
since I engulfed myself in this haze
I forgot what the world was like before

Before I was stuck in this smoggy daze
I never appreciated fresh air
I never really acknowledged it
It was always just there

The air, I polluted it
because I didn't care at all
This pollution can't be reversed
It will choke me until I fall

Now my cloud is ready to burst
stress built up, I'm saturated.
Toxins struggle to leak out
but are stuck in this fog that I created

The pollutants. I try to let out
but they condense around me
I can never find any air
because this smog has found me.

This polluted haze around my brain
the cloud thickens and drives me insane
when will it rain?
When will I change?

Carina Fosse